Game Info 

Platform: Android & PC 
Genre: Adult
Mode: Offline

About The Game

“Pleasure Thieves” put you in the role of a teenager who moves away from home to study journalism at the renowned University of Cumlombia. Usually, he is not very lucky with girls, but after meeting his roommate and finding out about his BIG SECRET, he will discover that there might be a way to improve his luck.

The game takes inspiration from classic titles, from films to games: Porky’s, Revenge of the Nerds, American Pie, Golden Boy, or even Cobra Mission!​

Game Screenshots

Download Page

How To Download The Games

After clicking on the link (Green Download Page Button), if any ads shows up, just click back button on your phone and it will take you back to this page, then click on the link again and it will take you to the download page.

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