Game Info 

Platform: Android & PC 
Genre: Adult
Mode: Offline

About The Game

Roommate Corruption tells a story about a guy who’s about to go to university.
He left his hometown and is now looking for a place where he can live for a couple of weeks, until he finds a suitable flat and finishes his enrollment. Gladly, his childhood friend named Hana lives near the university, and she lets our hero to live in her apartment for a while.


But as soon as our hero move to her apartment, he find that she changed a lot – she’s acting arrogantly,
doesn’t take him seriously and just seems like a total bitch.
But our hero knows how to change that, and he quickly starts to educate her…

Roommate Corruption is a short novel about corruption divided into five small episodes
– each of them shows a small shift in Hana’s character, until she finally becomes obedient.
Live these episodes, spend some time with Hana and show her how to behave.

Game Screenshots 

Download Page

How To Download The Games

After clicking on the link (Green Download Page Button), if any ads shows up, just click back button on your phone and it will take you back to this page, then click on the link again and it will take you to the download page.

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