Game Info 

Platform: Android & PC 
Genre: Adult
Mode: Offline

About The Game 

This game tells the story of a 23 years old guy who is dissatisfied with his life. Since his father died, he had to leave university and start working.
After losing his job, the only place he can live is an old classmate, Sofia’s apartment. The only problem is that they hate each other.
Through the eyes of the protagonist, you can get to know Sofia and why she behaves the way she does.
You have to decide what is important in life. There will be both humor and drama. Sometimes you’ll feel bad about the protagonist’s decisions.
But believe me, there are no right or wrong answers, just like in real life. (maybe with a little bit more sex)

Game Screenshots 

Download Page

How To Download The Games

After clicking on the link (Green Download Page Button), if any ads shows up, just click back button on your phone and it will take you back to this page, then click on the link again and it will take you to the download page.

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